• +91 9121216791/+91 9121216792
  • info@sparshspecialschool.com
  • 040 64607480 / 65227480
  • info@sparshspecialschool.com


Parent Training Programme was defined as a program in which parents actively acquire parenting skills which aims to change parenting behaviors, learn child development, behaviour modification techniques, therapeutic and educational support for improving pre-school and school-age children's behavior problems (such as aggression, hyperactivity, temper tantrums, and difficulty following directions).

Parent Training Programme incorporates collaboration with the therapist/ teacher to track behavior in school and link it to the reward program at home.

Why we train the parents?
As a parent, they spend the most time with child. Once parents trained to teach socialcommunication skills to child, they can work with him or her throughout the day in various settings. Teaching them to implement intervention strategies at home is both time-efficient and cost-effective.

What is the focus of the program?
The program focuses on using social and communication techniques in daily routines. This will help child to maintain skills he or she has learned. The training can positively influence child's development while reducing stress levels.

What is the program's purpose?
Sparsh Special School has two main objectives:
• To teach parents some techniques that will enhance your child's social engagement, language,play and imitation skills.
• To help parents to develop appropriate goals for your child based on a combination of developmental milestones, family interests and therapy recommendations. You will learn to monitor your child's progress over time.

The training is usually delivered by therapists (psychologists or social workers) to individual families or groups of families, At Sparsh Special School typical training course consists of 12 core sessions.